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Table 2 Representative quotes for the theme “surgical pain management as a team effort”

From: Learning from the implementation of a surgical opioid reduction initiative in an integrated health system: a qualitative study among providers and patients


Intervention components

Representative quotes for the sub-theme and intervention component

Contextual factors related to this sub-theme (CFIR constructs)

A. Need for engagement

Clinician education

Interviewer 2: As best you can remember, has there been anything that's come through about opioid prescribing?

Nurse interviewee: No.

Interviewer 2: There hasn't been a meeting or anything and people have talked about extending to do this?

Nurse interviewee: Nope.

Interviewer 2: Would that be helpful to you?

Nurse interviewee: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Well and I think part of it is, it would be helpful for the follow-up portion when patients are calling and asking for refills.

Process (engaging)


Prescribing data feedback

Interviewer: And then as part of the program we have also sent out reports to the individual prescribers about your prescribing habits. Were you aware of these reports?

Nurse interviewee: No, they don't really share that with us.

Process (engaging)


Clinician education: modules

Interviewer: And do you also remember if what you learned from [the education modules]?

Nurse interviewee: Yeah it did because you know, we educate before surgery and so we are now mentioning that and preparing patients for that when we do our education prior to surgery.. It gives you some background so it is not something that where I specifically have a in depth conversation with the patient but if the patient is asking questions about pain meds or something, for example, we used to say you will go home with pain meds, Well I don't say that anymore because they may not go home with pain meds. .

Process (engaging)

B. Hierarchal relations between care providers

EMR optimization (order sets)

Resident interviewee: And sometimes there are attendings who are very old school and always prescribe the same amount every time, and they'll tell you "Give them 15 of this", even though the order says "Oh, you should only be giving five." And as a resident, you can't go against the attending who's saying that, so then we'll be noncompliant, and then it would be like well is that really their fault. So I don't know. But I think now, they did send that email where we can look up the thing.

Inner setting (culture)