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Table 5 SAOM models of network evolution in Alberta and British Columbia

From: Building a communication and support network among quality improvement teams in nursing homes: a longitudinal study of the SCOPE trial



British Columbia

OR (95% CI)

OR (95% CI)

Rate effects

 Rate parameter period 1

6.23 (1.72,10.75)*

0.98 (0.37,1.58)*

 Rate parameter period 2

28.67 (− 6.64,63.98)

7.47 (3.50,11.44)*

Network factors

 Out-degree (density)

0.02 (0.001, 0.63)

1.19 (0.02, 92.62)


1.11 (0.54, 2.29)

1.41 (0.67, 2.96)

 In-degree—popularity (sqrt)

0.182 (0.005, 6.52)

0.72 (0.18, 2.85)

 Out-degree—activity (sqrt)

4.12 (1.24, 13.66)*

0.50 (0.02, 13.58)


Central and Calgary: 9.84 (1.38, 60.46)*

Fraser: 0.44 (0.16, 1.21)

 Being in the same region

10.07 (2.42, 41.93)*

12.75 (4.06, 12.75)*

 Affiliating to the same chain

3.29 (0.78, 13.88)

2.30 (0.48, 10.93)

  1. *p < 0.05