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Table 2 Findings from implementation mapping steps 2 and 3 across groups (CHC, Community Health Center; EHR, electronic health record; ⥥implementation strategies based on the taxonomy of Waltz et al. [49])

From: Use of implementation mapping in the planning of a hybrid type 1 pragmatic clinical trial: the BeatPain Utah study


Performance objectives


Implementation strategies⥥

Practical applications

CHC leadership and providers

Agree to participate in BeatPain

Knowledge of benefits of nonpharmacologic care for chronic back pain

Knowledge of the BeatPain program

Train and educate stakeholders

Provide evidence supporting nonpharmacologic care for chronic back pain and potential benefits of telehealth delivery

Ask and advise patients about BeatPain program during primary care visits

Self-efficacy to advise patients on non-pharmacologic care

Positive expectations for outcomes of physical therapy

Provide ongoing consultation

Support clinicians

Feedback clinical data

Provide initial and ongoing training on BeatPain and the e-referral process

Provide feedback to clinicians on status of referred patients and their outcomes

Refer interested patients to BeatPain

Skills to generate e-referral from EHR and manage technology-based issues that arise

Change the infrastructure

Provide local technical assistance

E-referral process embedded in EHR

Ongoing technological support for issues that arise during the study

Assist in sustaining clinic participation in BeatPain

Positive expectations for clinical workflows from e-referral process

Provide interactive assistance to avoid disruptions in workflows

Patient outreach using text messaging after in-clinic visits if in-clinic e-referral is not made


Provide consent for BeatPain study

Knowledge of telehealth physical therapy as a pain care option

Prepare consumers to be active participants

Education on BeatPain program and potential benefits of telehealth physical therapy

Attend BeatPain telehealth sessions

Positive expectations for outcomes of telehealth physical therapy

Engage in BeatPain treatments

Self-efficacy for active pain coping strategies

Adapt and tailor to context

Use of motivation and problem-solving strategies to provide telehealth physical therapy

Physical therapists

Attend PT trainings

Knowledge of strategies to provide care via telehealth

Create a clinical team

Develop educational materials

Conduct ongoing training

Create training materials and procedures for ongoing training on telehealth delivery. Integrate mHealth resources

Incorporate cultural competencies with BeatPain core components

Self-efficacy for providing BeatPain core components in a patient-centered manner

Training on cultural competencies for providing care

Training to integrate motivation and problem-solving strategies with the core components of BeatPain treatments

Provide patient-centered care

Regular team meetings for problem-solving and skills practice