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Table 2 Measures of feasibility and acceptability and their benchmarks

From: Implementing integrated hypertension and diabetes management using the World Health Organization’s HEARTS model: protocol for a pilot study in the Guatemalan national primary care system


Minimum benchmark


 Feasibility questionnaire (FIM) among MOH participants

Median ≥ 3.5a

 Reasons for perceptions of feasibility/infeasibility


 Number of patient participants with diabetes enrolled per health districtb


 Number of patient participants with hypertension enrolled per health districtb



 Acceptability questionnaire (AIM) among MOH participants

Median ≥ 3.5a

 Proportion of patient participants with subsequent follow-up visit within 3 months (among those enrolled with ≥ 3 months remaining in pilot)


 Reasons for perceptions of acceptability/infeasibility among patient and MOH participants


 Reasons for dropouts among patient participants


  1. Abbreviations: AIM, Acceptability of Intervention Measure, FIM, Feasibility of Intervention Measure, MOH Ministry of Health
  2. Primary outcomes in this pilot study are feasibility and acceptability as defined in the Implementation Outcomes Framework
  3. aThe FIM and AIM scales range from 1 to 5 with higher values implying greater feasibility or acceptability, respectively; the participant’s mean score across the four questions will be used
  4. bEnrollment is defined by a patient having at least one clinic visit entered in the DHIS2 or equivalent longitudinal medical record system; a given patient may have both diabetes and hypertension and thus count toward each benchmark