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Table 1 Overview of the UTI toolkit

From: Moving behavioral interventions in nursing homes from planning to action: a work system evaluation of a urinary tract infection toolkit implementation

Module name and sections


Module 1: Overview and rationale

 • Overview

 • Clinical rationale

 • Regulatory rationale

• Provide an overview of the toolkit

• Explain why antibiotic stewardship matters from clinical and regulatory perspectives

• Educate providers, nursing staff, and family members of residents on appropriate management of UTIs

Module 2: How to prevent catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI)

 • Background and risk factors

 • Appropriate indications for indwelling catheter use

 • Indwelling catheter insertion and maintenance

• Provide guidance on appropriate use and management of indwelling urinary catheters

• Provide guidance on how to properly collect a urine specimen from resident with a urinary catheter

Module 3: When to test a urine specimen

 • What is a urinary tract infection (UTI)?

 • When to submit a urine specimen for testing?

 • Case studies

 • Suggested educational plan

• Provide guidance on how reliably stratify residents into low and high risk of UTI

• Increase nursing staff comfort with communicating assessment findings to providers and making recommendations for actions based on UTI risk

• Provide guidance on how to perform active monitoring for residents with a low risk of UTI

Module 4: When and how to treat a UTI

 • When to treat?

 • How to treat?

 • How to modify?

• Provide the rationale and benefits of active monitoring

• Provide guidance on antibiotic selection, dosage, and duration for treating a UTI

• Provide rationale and guidance for performing a post-prescribing antibiotic timeout

Module 5: Organizational tools

 • Overview of quality improvement (QI) and how to lead change in the organization

 • The importance of tracking and reporting data for organizational QI

 • Sustainability of organizational change

• Provide guidance for assembling an improvement team

• Provide examples of tools for use in the NH to help change frontline staff and provider behavior

• Explain how data tracking and reporting can be used for organizational quality improvement

• Discuss sustainability and the importance of developing a sustain plan

  1. To learn more about the toolkit, please visit